Current from 20 February 2024
Our Principles
Our complaints handling policy is designed to encourage the efficient resolution of your issue at the
first point of contact. While we continually aim to provide you with high levels of customer service,
we acknowledge that you may wish to express dissatisfaction with our products, services, staff or
procedures and that you have the right to do so.
Our complaints handling policy complies with the requirements of the Telecommunications
Consumer Protection Code C628:2015 (TCP Code) and responsibility for compliance with the process
lies with our Managing Directors.
Authorised Representatives
If you would like to nominate an authorised representative to make a complaint on your behalf,
please authorise them during your first contact with us. A representative is someone who can speak
to us on your behalf in relation to your account. A representative can:
- Access billing/account related information such as passwords.
- Lodge faults.
- Make changes to the account in any way, shape or form.
- Cancel or remove any services.
Free of Charge
In most instances, we will not charge you for dealing with your complaint. In some specific
circumstances. we may charge you to recover our costs. For example, we may charge you where you
request information that was collected more than two years ago or where you request information
that is not free of charge as per our Standard Form of Agreement, Service Description or our Critical
Information Summary. If cost recovery charges apply, we will tell you before charging you (and you
may choose not to pay and discontinue your complaint) and we will inform you about your options
for external dispute resolution, e.g. the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO).
How to Make a Complaint
If you wish to make a complaint, please contact a Customer Service Representative via any
of the following methods:
- Via Phone: 1300 166 331 (Hours of operation are 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday and 8:00am to 3:00pm, Saturdays)
- Online: Using our online contact form with the subject of ‘Make a Complaint’
- Post: NodeOne Internet, PO Box 296, Warragul VIC 3820
- Email:
If you are calling us from a landline, your call is charged at the local rate. Note that calling us from a
mobile may be more expensive.
We can also assist with formulating, lodging and progressing your complaint if you request this.
What We Will Do
Our goal is to resolve your complaint during your first contact with us. Unfortunately, this is not
always possible as we may need to escalate the complaint to the Customer Service Manager (or
other appropriate senior staff member) to investigate the matter further. If this is the case, we will
complete the following steps:
- One of our Customer Service Team will acknowledge your complaint:
- Immediately if you complained in person or over the phone
- Within 2 working days if you lodged your complaint via any other method
- Upon acknowledgement of your complaint we will give you a unique reference number to
enable you to easily follow up.
- Investigate your complaint and complete an initial assessment.
- Formulate a response and propose a resolution to your complaint.
- Communicate our response to your complaint and our proposed resolution to you.
- Provide you with an approximate time frame for resolving your complaint.
- Implement the solution agreed upon by you and us within 10 working days unless you agree
otherwise or unless you have not done something that we required you to do in order to
proceed further.
- If you and us are unable to resolve your complaint we will refer you to an external complaint
handler such as the TIO. Further details regarding this step can be found further down in this
document under the heading ‘Further Options’.
- Upon the successful resolution of your complaint, we will close it.
You can follow up on the progress of your complaint at any time throughout the process by calling us
on 1300 166 331 or by emailing
If you request for us to provide our receipt, proposed resolution, actual resolution or any further
information in writing, we will be happy to do this.
Occasionally it may take longer than 15 working days to investigate and resolve your complaint. If
this is the case, we will provide you with an explanation and a new approximate timeframe. If the
delay is more than 10 working days (and is not the result of a Mass Service Disruption) we will also
Complaints Handling Policy – Current from 8 January 2019 Page 3 of 3
inform you about your options for external dispute resolutions such as the
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO).
Urgent Complaints
Your complaint will be treated as urgent if:
- You have applied for being in financial hardship under our Financial Hardship Policy and the
issue you are complaining about directly contributes to the Financial Hardship you are
- Your service has been disconnected or is about to be disconnected and due process has not
been followed;
- You are receiving Priority Assistance (e.g. because of a severe medical condition) for the
service you are complaining about;
- You have advised us that you wish to have your complaint treated as urgent.
If your complaint is being treated as urgent, we will agree with you on how to address the issue and
implement all required actions to resolve the issue within 2 working days.
If there is any delays, we will provide you with an explanation as well as a new approximate
timeframe and we will also inform you about your options for external dispute resolution such as the
Further Options
If we are unable to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction, as a last resort we may recommend that
you contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) for independent advice. The TIO is
an office of last resort and deals with complaints that consumers have not been able to resolve with
their telephone or internet company after exhausting all possible avenues directly with the provider.
NodeOne Internet asks that if you do have a complaint, you allow us the opportunity to resolve the
issue through all possible internal resources before contacting the TIO.
The services of the TIO are free of charge. The TIO can be contacted via the following means:
- Telephone: 1800 062 058 or 03 8600 8700
- Fax: 1800 630 614 or (03) 8600 8797
- Email:
- Online:
Alternatively, you can contact the Office of Fair Trading in your state or territory.